Jun 10, 2012

Mihai Ristea - When the sun is going down

My relationship with music started when I was 8 or 9 years old but I had to be patient till I reached my teen years, in order to approach this calling with confidence. Six years of perseverance, idea abuse, creativity, typical errors, a series of hits and a few steps to maturity, followed.One year ago I decided to join the HaHaHa Production team and today I’m very proud of what we’ve built together. To me, HaHaHa is the point where talent, work and progress meet friendship and smiling.Mihai Ristea composes melodic lines, writes lyrics, creates orchestrations and brings a drop of catchy in any song. In his free time, he loves to travel and he always returns filled with inspiration. Collaboration with Marius Moga and singer song Anda Adam - "My Soul" is the first statement of talent of the future successful producer, Michael Ristic. In 2010 and brought Michael a new challenge. Collaboration with artist Andra, one of the best voices in Romania led to the signing of the second consecutive smash-hit in less than a year. The song "Something New" marked a change in career sound artist, managing to be one of the top three most played and popular parts of Romania today. In 2010, the song was declared as having the fastest evolution Romanian charts. For producer Michael Ristea professional satisfaction, personal studio does not have many days off and announces 2011 and several musical collaborations and hits the market.Listen song here:YouTube

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